Dear Makers of Cup-o-Ramen

Dear makers of cup-o-ramen:

I imagine that like most companies, you are looking for ways to save money. I have a suggestion for you.

Those dehydrated vegetables you put in the cup? Leave them out. There is no one in the world who believes that 4 peas, 3 kernels of corn and a carrot flake make cup-o-ramen a healthy meal choice.

In my case, I’m a 36 year old man sitting in a hotel room watching That 70s Show, eating Ramen as a pre-dinner-dinner. Clearly, I’ve given up hope and I’m not looking for healthy.

There are, admittedly, people who eat the veggies instead of throwing them in the trash before they add water. But after a short period of grumbling, they’ll stop caring if you leave them out.

You see, ramen people aren’t really “do-ers”, we’re more “yell-at-the-TV-ers.” Honestly, you could probably just give us salt and sugar packets and we’d probably adapt to that too.

Just a thought for your next budget meeting. Oh, and the textured vegetable protein flakes in the beef flavored cups aren’t fooling us either. We know it’s not beef, we just don’t care.
